Monday, August 13, 2012

Week of Beauty

I had a friend staying with me during her transition to her new place and with the husband away, these girls will play!

We decided that we were going to put our pins to use.  I am guilty of pinning and pinning on Pintrest and never executing any of the fabulous ideas.

So, together we decided that we would make some of our favorite beauty pins come to reality. We decided to try out a new 'mask' every night of the week. 

Exfoliating Mask

This is an exfoliating mask that requires for you run a tablespoon or two of oats through the food processor and then combine with an egg white.   

Then you wind up sporting this look!
We left this mixture on for 20 minutes and it might have been too long.  It was almost painful to take off.  Our skin looked great but I think 10-15 minutes would be sufficient. 

Moisturizing Hair Mask

Combine an avocado, 1 egg and 1-2 tsp of lemon juice.

If you can, leave this in the fridge for a couple of hours, the lemon juice should prevent the avocado from turning brown. 

With towel dried hair, work the mask into your hair, root to tip.  We left this on our hair for 20 minutes and then shampooed and conditioned, like we normally would. 

The next day I wore my hair curly without any product and I could see a huge improvement with hair.  I had less frizz and my hair was so soft.  I will definitely be doing this again.

Lemon Honey Mask

This "mask" is something you can try to use every night, well according to Pinterest.  I have yet to try it again. 

Combine fresh lemon juice with 1/2 teaspoon of raw honey. After washing your face, massage this mixture on your face and let it sit for 10-15 minutes.  Rinse off with cold water.

My skin looked incredible after this! 

The Aspirin Mask!

This mask, might have been my favorite because it was just so dang easy. 

I took the three pieces of Aspirin and added a little water, let it dissolve in my hand, which doesn't take but a couple of seconds. Then dampen your face and apply the Aspirin mush.  Remove with a damp wash cloth after 10 minutes. 

There were several pins that mentioned adding honey as a moisturizing agent.  I will try that the next time, but I will be sure to combine those in a bowl instead of my hand.

 Microdermabrasion mask

This is another simple mask.

Mix three tablespoons of Baking Soda and one tablespoon and apply to a damp face. 

Rub in a circular motion and then leave for on your skin for 10 minutes.


At the end of the week, I thought to myself, my skin is either going to break out like crazy or look AMAZING!

I'm thankful it was the latter.

I would do all of these again!  They are so easy to do, the items I used were already in my kitchen.   

Let me know if you try any of these and tell me what you think of them.

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